Training And Coaching

The training and coaching focus on learning skills and recognizing the way in which you guide yourself. By ultimately increasing your insight and dismantling the self-limiting beliefs


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The training courses are designed in such a way that skills are learned, and the attitude aspects are also examined from a broader perspective – being-oriented. This creates a view of the inner wealth instead of the skills shortage and you learn with pleasure.


Coaching at the interface of skill and attitude. The focus is placed on attitude during skills learning. This creates the direct experience of inner freedom and pleasure in exploring and learning.


Self-knowledge from testing provides a wealth of information and understanding about how you stand in the world and what drives you (unconsciously). Asking the question behind the drives will put you in a broader perspective. Take the free DISC test.

Training and coaching

The training and coaching focus on learning skills and recognizing the way in which you guide yourself. By ultimately increasing your insight and dismantling the self-limiting beliefs, you will immediately experience your strength and authenticity. That gives vitality and openness.

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Reach Us

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13005 Greenville Avenue,
California, TX 70240

+22 140 006 754

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